Lyrics to 4543
I got this feeling
That I never got quite
My timing right

At the end of every night
I wonder where the day went
And where I lost sight

I don't think a different bar
Gonna solve my problems
I don't think a new car gonna
Make me a heartthrob again

I got this feeling that
Everything we thought mattered
Doesn't matter at all

I think I just might
Return my ideas
To the bookstore at the shopping mall

I don't think a new President
Would change what's in my heart
I don't think a self-help book
Is gonna help set you apart
I don't think a different city
Gonna get you closer to God
I don't think a new religion
Gonna suddenly teach me to love
I don't think what goes around
Comes around every time
I don't know if conquering
Can ever fix a divide
I don't know if extra traveling
Will really help that mind
I don't think a dream state
Can ever really dream you awake
I don't think it's such a bad idea
To make a mistake

I got this feeling that
Everything we thought mattered
Doesn't matter at all